Gerald Desmond Lecture on Socialism 1910

G. O. D. in a lecture on SOCIALISM

Gerald Desmond Lecture on Socialism 1910

G. O. D. in a lecture on SOCIALISM

Gerald Desmond in a lecture on Socialism.

The Summerland Review, Summerland B.C., October 15, 1910



Gerald Desmond lectured on Socialism in the Men's Club, Thursday night, to an audience which followed his address throughout with the keenest interest. He took for his main thought the economic aspect of "Wages" from the standpoint of the laborer and small farmer.

He then quoted from Government reports showing that only 3 per cent, of the farmers of the United States and Canada received for their produce $1000 per year, while the greater portion of them received $400, thus placing the agriculturist on a lower level than many of the crafts of industrial workers.

He was unable to furnish figures as to local conditions, but of course this average could not apply to such a favorably situated section as the Okanagan Valley and the Summerland district in particular.

This is the condition we have to, face whether we like it or not, the cause is the vesting of the industries of the country into the hands of a few capitalists, and the remedy is the social ownership of all utilities which are socially operated. The workers can never get the full value of all they produce until the instruments of production are collectively owned.

At the close of the address, an interesting discussion took place and the speaker answered a number of questions with regard to different phases.

Gerald Desmond Books