LITTLE LUMPS by Gerald O'Conel Desmond March 11, 1909

LITTLE LUMPS by Gerald O'Conel Desmond March 11, 1909


By Gerald O'Conel Desmond

Capitalism defies the dollar and degrades the human.




So long as we workers are willing to be exploited, we can’t blame the capitalists for exploiting us.




Competition ends in monopoly and monopoly in nationalization. The end of nationalization is socialism.




Some men are better than others no doubt. But no man is good enough to be trusted with the enormous powers of exploitation which are enjoyed by modern captains of industry.




All the really great evils of modern society can be traced primarily to the one cause—the capitalist system of production for profit and the use of the workers as mere machines for profit production.




“Work, boys, work and be contented,” says the old song. The capitalists will be contented so long as the workers are doing all the work. The socialists will never be interested until the capitalists are doing their bit as well as the rest.




Cotton’s Weekly, Thursday, March 11, 1909

A new book containing two forgotten works by GERALD DESMOND, (Arthur Desmond, 1859-1929, "Ragnar Redbeard")

EASY LESSONS is another new book by GERALD DESMOND, (Arthur Desmond, 1859-1929, "Ragnar Redbeard")